How to Buy the Best Mountain Bike For Your Needs

Harry T. Prewitt
3 min readApr 19, 2019


Buying a bicycle can be difficult, especially when you consider the sheer variety of options available nowadays. It’s recommended that you take a variety of factors into account before purchasing a bicycle. If you are interested in buying a decent bike, you should get in touch with ProBike FC. Owned by Nicholas Clark, ProBike FC is one of the leading companies that sell a wide range of bikes at affordable prices. You can also get a plethora of additional components and parts for your bike through the shop. Here are a few tips to help you buy the best bike for your needs.

The first thing you should do is define the kind of biking you want to do. Many of us want an all-terrain bicycle. But if you have decided to make mountain biking a hobby, it will be necessary to have an adequate bicycle.

If you are just starting out in mountain biking, it’s recommended that you buy a bicycle according to your economic possibilities. Some expensive variants can cost you a considerable sum of money, so it’s recommended that you avoid spending hefty sums of money.

If your decision is to venture into moderate mountain biking, you should go for a trail bike or a simple XC variant.

The bicycles for XC can be found mostly with front suspension and some with double suspension, no greater than 110mm. These bicycles are built using an aluminum frame and components from the most basic to the top of the range. The geometry and configuration of this bicycle is designed to have a more comfortable position to climb.

Trail bikes are double suspension and their suspension travel varies between 120mm and 140mm. The geometry of this bike allows you to descend and ascend with minimal hassle.

But if you want to practice downhill biking, for example, the best thing to do is to buy a bicycle suitable for this purpose. Remember, it does not have to be the best or the most expensive, but it should be designed primarily for downhill riding.

Look for the right frame size

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying your first bike is to choose an unsuitable size for yourself. This mistake will definitely impact your mountain biking experience. If the bicycle is too big or small, you will not be able to get the best out of your purchase. Brands have their own sizes, but most use inches and are based on the distance from the base to the height of the vertical frame tube. Many times, we believe that only our height is what will define our size, but it is not entirely true, since some people may have a longer trunk and short legs or vice versa, it is therefore important that you sit on the bike first and then decide.

At ProBike FC, you will find a variety of different bikes. You can talk to Nicholas Clark and find out which bike is best suited to your needs.



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