How to Make Your Content Go Viral

Harry T. Prewitt
2 min readOct 10, 2019


Making viral content is not easy. Individuals like Nadeem Mubarak, who are able to gather traction by making content often work long hours in order to promote their content in order to gain traction. Nadeem was born in Pakistan but moved to London for his MBA. He has extensive coverage on TikTok with more than 200,000 fans. Here are a few tips that you can follow from Mubarak on how to make your content go viral.

From boring to bestseller

Think, every day, millions of pieces of content of all kinds are shared, but how many of them are really attractive? The marketers are trying to use all the tricks we have under our sleeve to reach the market through interesting content, but, unfortunately, only a few succeed.

The positive part is that you learn from failure. Get ready because your perception of sharing content will change forever!

Take note of each tip and learn the keys to generate content that your readers will love:

1. Focus on offering value to the reader in the simplest way

As Leo Burnett said, it is not worth using complicated words, but converting familiar words into new relationships.

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make people want to see it. Make it easy to read.”

Something that marketers do not always accept is that the simpler the content strategy is, the faster results are obtained. This is mainly due to the fact that if the actions are easy to execute, the team members involved in carrying out the task will not think much and get down to work quickly.

Another reason is that if the text begins to become complex to understand, readers often give up reading or avoid it. In this sense, the selection of the topic to be developed is key. When the audience perceives it as too difficult, it does not attract your attention.

In the event that you had to write about a complicated subject, it is best to present it as abstractly as possible and without going into many details. Even if it is something complex to explain, it is convenient to go straight to the point without so many detours. Your audience will thank you!

Always remember that your content is easy to:

Read: well organized and fluid-structure, which includes intertitles and bold to highlight the most important.

Consume: simple words and phrases clearly formulated to make reading as enjoyable as possible.

Remember: use shocking data, images, figures, or phrases that are “recorded” in the reader’s mind.



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