Key Traits of Entrepreneurs

Harry T. Prewitt
2 min readSep 16, 2019


Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task. It is not a profession; it is a journey. Being your own boss is often elusive to people who only see the side where an entrepreneur has to clear numerous hurdles to become successful, or they see the brightest sides of it like working on your own schedule and taking vacations at your own will.

While the liberty of choosing your own work hours and availing a vacation whenever you want is a perk of being an entrepreneur, this is not why entrepreneurs choose to pursue their venture. They choose this path because it gives them the liberty to express their passion in an unconfined space. They look at this as an instrument to communicate their message and show the world that following passion is the key to living a happy and content life.

Pursuing the journey of entrepreneurship is not easy. It is full of challenges, hurdles and the road seems dark, but entrepreneurs persevere to get to the light until they get there. Here are a few traits that make them follow their heart and move through hardships.

1. Belief: belief is the first thing you need to have as an entrepreneur. If you do not believe in yourself that you can be successful. No one will. A classic example is of Steve Jobs and Nokia. When Jobs went to Nokia for collaborating and creating the first touch phone, Nokia being a giant refused and said there is no potential in the idea. Jobs refused to give in to the tech giant and believed in the idea, and the rest is history.

2. Unconventionality: taking the risk of being different is what differentiates an entrepreneur from others. They have the knack to disturb the flow of norms and disrupt industries with their ideas. An example here is that of Ms. Marilyn Gauthier. She disrupted the fashion industry by challenging the conventional standards for models. She has challenged the norms and broadened the definition of what is beautiful.

3. Courage: Courage is one trait is necessary for entrepreneurs. Having the courage to pursue the idea you believe in is the key to success. For example the Wright brothers. They had the courage to believe that they could fly when everyone made a joke of their idea. Having courage is essential for being successful as an entrepreneur.

The path of a businessman or woman is full of challenges, and it requires dedication, motivation, hope, and belief throughout.



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