ML Delicate Beauty — Just Another Cash Grab
There’s no shortage of businesses that want to sell beauty and cosmetic products nowadays. In the 20th century, most companies didn’t care, and were quick to experiment their products on animals before launching them. There were absolutely zero ethics being employed by most companies, and honestly, at that time, nobody really cared. However, as NGOs were formed and awareness began to spread amongst the people. Nowadays, animal testing is only done by a few companies, and many companies have actually begun to highlight the fact that they do not carry out animal testing at all.
This has become a way of marketing for most. In some cases, other companies are quick to state that all of their products are natural. What does natural really mean, though? Does it mean that the company doesn’t use any kind of unnatural substances? Most certainly not. If you take a look at the many ingredients that are mixed into the products sold by this company called ML Delicate Beauty, you will realize that there aren’t many natural names on the list.
ML Delicate Beauty was founded by Manuela and Greggy Lubin. Like many other small businesses, they are quick to tout whatever things they can. For instance, you will see that they say the company is veteran-owned. While I’m all for favoring local businesses, I believe that my money should get me actual value.
If they don’t, I honestly couldn’t care who owns the company. Sadly, the products sold by the company, though touted as being all-natural, are hardly but. In fact, these products contain quite a bit of different acids and artificial products that you will find being used by almost all other beauty companies.
So, why is it that they are selling their products at such high prices? I decided to try a few of their products, such as their Vitamin C Serum, and found that they hardly work. If you read a bit on to the descriptions that are posted on their website, you will realize that they all contain similar ingredients to most other products. So, why should you try them? Why are they charging such a high price for it?
Do they have any certifications? They claim that their products are chemical free, but that is obviously not true. Their products are designed to nourish a person’s beauty and whatnot, but a lot of it is just marketing swill. It simply isn’t true. If I wanted to buy expensive cosmetics that I could apply on my face or other parts of the body, I would want to buy from a company that has a renowned offering and has established itself. I wouldn’t want to buy from a business that has nothing to show for itself, and only uses big marketing terms and charges incredulously high prices for their cosmetics. If you are thinking about buying goods for ML Delicate Beauty, do think twice. It is just another cash grab in an already saturated market.