Online Dating Simplified — The Keys to Success
For some people, online dating may be a taboo, others consider it a part of their routine, but the fact is that 50% of the population knows someone who has been dating online and 30% know more than one person. The virtual world is a vast and diverse place, which hosts all kinds of interactions offering a variety of possibilities. People who are ideally looking for someone with whom they can share a conversation, a moment, an experience, or even a life. But, it’s not easy to date online. Single and Sober is an online dating service that was created for sober individuals and the recovery community in general. If you want to meet like-minded people who have gone through the same experiences as you have, Single and Sober. is an excellent option. It offers a platform for people to meet those who are similar to them. But, online dating is not easy. Many people have had weird experiences when dating online. Here are a few simple keys to success for dating online.
1. Choose the appropriate application or page:
The intentions of the people who use this medium are diverse, so before choosing the right place it should be clear that you are looking for someone to talk to, someone to spend the night with or a serious relationship, there are segmented pages of all kinds, from people seeking marriage to married people seeking adventures. For instance, if you want someone who’s recovering from alcohol addiction, you should consider logging on to Single and Sober.
2. Numbers and statistics:
One in five relationships starts online. 51% of users are in a relationship, 21% are single, and 11% are married. The average age in the virtual dating world is between 18 and 34 years, with 52% men and 48% women. The numbers lead us to conclude that most people use this medium to explore new possibilities outside of their daily environment.
3. Intentions:
10% of the population uses the Internet to find love. However, just as in the real world, people also lie and deceive in the virtual world. Most women are looking for something serious, while men are looking for someone to hang out with, of course, this does not apply to everyone. Men lie more than women in their profiles, they lie about what kind of relationship they seek to write sweet things to generate more interest, but men are afraid to meet a woman who compromises and limit their free time, while women fear to meet rapists and psychopaths.