Tips to Writing on Politics Even If You Are Typically Not a Political Writer
While it is a pretty exciting time to be writing about politics, a lot of writers who have never dabbled in the topic might find it a little intimidating to broach the topic. They might have a difficult time deciding whether they have the authoritative grasp over the subject to be able to present their arguments with confidence. You will have to confirm that you are aware of all the sides of the issue and what the readers already know about the subject as compared to you. You will have to keep a careful check of all the facts in your reservoir. There are definitely some risks involved, but if you are able to get it right then the potential rewards can range from being able to spark a certain type of thinking within your readers that would lead to a debate, or you would be testing the waters by going off the track a little bit.
There are some tips that expert writers on politics like Amr Muneer Dahab utilize to be able to write such solid pieces. The Sudanese Canadian poet, writer, literary critic, electrical engineer, and author, has had an experience of over twenty years as a columnist in opinion journalism and is also widely known for his critical essays where he tackles controversial political, literary, cultural, and intellectual issues, especially those pertaining to the Arab world.
Here are some of the ways he is able to retain his reader’s attention and respect even with his ever so controversial writing:
Your writing should be simple and focused
It is fairly easy to become all caught up in the smallest detail of a specific issue especially if it is the one and only shot you will get writing a political post, and you know you need to get it all out. You will have to try your best to simplify the post as much as you possibly can. If your readers are interested, then you will always be able to tease out some nuances within the comments section. You will need to figure out the exact reason why such a post is so important for your readers to read, what would be the potential outcomes, and who the key players of the entire scenario. Once you are done writing make sure to put a lot of attention on editing, this way you will be able to clean out all of the unnecessary parts.
Write in your own tone
When you are writing something that is out of your comfort zone, it is very easy to adopt the voice of the subject matter than your own. This is especially true when you are writing something that a lot of the readers might be uncomfortable acknowledging. However, if you are a prolific writer of the newspaper or blog, then your readers will be easily able to pick out that there is something different about the tone of writing.