Understanding Vaping — Things You Need to Know

Harry T. Prewitt
2 min readSep 13, 2019


Fashion continues to spread, especially among teenagers and young people. The youngest love the possibility of practicing an adult ritual and incidentally make rings with dense steam or hide among their mysterious scrolls.

And they end up buying a vaping device because “it’s not bad for their health,” or they want to convince themselves of it. So these young people start with the vaping machine, which also interests those who are already back and want to quit tobacco. They wonder if it really is a healthy practice or not.

What Is in The Vapor Smoke? It Is Healthy?

The first thing is to know what an electronic cigarette is: it is a device that uses a battery and a resistor to heat and vaporize a liquid solution with different ingredients. Smoke or, rather, steam, is aspirated by the user, which can circulate it through the lungs (“swallowing it”) or not.

With or Without Nicotine

Each of the characteristics must be analyzed to try to determine the effect on health. Let’s start with the liquid solution, which seems the most important. This may contain nicotine or not.

The one containing nicotine is used to gradually dispose of tobacco since liquids with different degrees of concentration can be chosen. That is why it is used in therapy to quit tobacco like nicotine patches or gum. As cannabis has become popular and legalized, many people prefer using their vaping devices to smoke some cannabis. hapac® is a technology system that was created by Liberty Herbal Technologies in 2016. Designed for use with dry herb vaporizers, hapac® are ready to use filter paper sachets that are full of cannabis. Unlike other products on the market, there’s no burning, no cannabis is wasted, and the amount of toxicants are removed drastically.

Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, And Aromas

If you are using a conventional vaping device, there are a few things that you should know. Most vaping liquids contain three more ingredients: propylene glycol (around 70%), vegetable glycerin (30%) and aromas. Propylene glycol is oily alcohol, widely used in a variety of products, from paints to medicines. Its vapors can cause irritation of the respiratory tract of some sensitive people and more frequently in the eyes. There are several kinds of vaping devices that you can choose from, and even cannabis vaping is now becoming more and more popular. In hapac® there are no additives, it is just dry herb and paper, so a very natural way to use cannabis.



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