What Men Need to Understand about Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer remains the most common type of cancer among American men after skin cancer. African-American men have the highest percentage of prostate cancer in the world.
This makes men with a background of such an illness in the family to be at great risk. Furthermore, the chances of getting prostate cancer increase with age, especially after the age of fifty.
What is Prostate Cancer?
Prostate cancer emerges in your prostate gland. Cancer causes the cells to grow at an abnormal rate. Most types of cancer take the shape of a lump called a tumor. Prostate cancer progresses at a slow rate. However, in some men, it may be quicker and spread to other parts of the body.
What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer?
Often, there is NO symptom in the early stages of prostate cancer. If symptoms do occur, they may vary, depending on the size and exact location of the lump or growth in the prostate. As the prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen, any change can cause issues in ejaculation and urination. However, symptoms are similar in other cases, including an infection or non-cancerous condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia.
If a man has any problem with weak flow or interruption of urination or painful urination and ejaculation, bloody urine or semen, or a painful discomfort in the back, hip or pelvis, he should see a health provider or a urologist to find out what is happening. A health provider can order tests to determine the cause of the symptoms.
What Type of Test Is Used to Detect Prostate Cancer?
Your healthcare provider can feel for any unusual lumps or growth in the prostate by pressing it or performing a DRE. Your health provider can also ask you to take a blood test. This test would measure the extent of (PSA), a protein produced by the prostate. Higher-than-expected PSA levels can mean the presence of a tumor. However, high levels of PSA can also be found because of an infection or dilatation of the prostate. Check with your health provider about the tests that may be best for you.
The sooner you can detect prostate cancer, the more options you will have to treat it. Surgery, radiation therapy (either external rays or internal implants), hormone therapy, or some combination of these are common. It primarily depends on your age, health condition, and will. A health care provider may only recommend that you submit to observation and testing several times a year. Some urologists think that for men over 70, the risks of surgery or radiation treatment outweigh any benefits. Therefore, they recommend “waiting for observation”. If you are in better condition of health, your healthcare provider will probably recommend that the cancer be treated. Any treatment will produce marginal effects. Check with your healthcare provider about your options. Make sure you understand the risks, benefits, and chances of success.
Seeking treatment can be vital, and you can find multiple ideal options in America. Dr. Sanjay Razdan, a Miami-based Urologist, holds a great reputation in the treatment of prostate cancer. He has assisted in the development of different technologies and employed the same in his medical practices, such as Robotic-Prostatectomy. Dr. Razdan also utilizes the daVinci Surgical System in his practice. Till date, he has performed thousands of processes assisted by this technology.