What You Need To Know Before Becoming an Artist
There are artists deep in the bowels of the art world that have a couple of advice to give to the newbies who are gearing up to make their mark in this field. These are some of the things that they wish they had been told before they dived nose deep into the empire of art: things like finding your voice, discipline, and confidence to comprehending the money-related issues, business tips, and entrepreneurship issues.
Renowned artists like Mike Habs emphasize on understanding how to deal with success, rejection, and bruised egos over the course of their blooming career. A contemporary visual artist based in Los Angeles, Habs’ work has been focused on relaying “the intrinsic value of Punk Rock music”. He applies urban art techniques against the architectural methods to perfectly depict the abstract sync of punk rock with artistic vibrations. Always fond of art as a child, Mike was encouraged by his family to pursue a career in the field he did. He, however, wishes that he had known a couple of things at the beginning of his career that he knows now:
It takes a while
You will not be able to hone your craft in the very moment you begin. There will be many tears and not much of appreciation in the beginning. There will be a lot of people who will be downright cruel in their critics of your work, but it should not be taken to heart. You will feel that your mind and spirit are being chipped away one by one, but you need to use that feeling for the better. You will have to learn to market yourself well because nobody else will be able to do it for you.
There is no winner or loser
There is no right way to create art. It is your feelings being free-handedly jotted down on the paper, not a rulebook of country laws. Focusing on the right way of making art would mean that it is the only thing you can concentrate on. You have to make your art your own way. It is a depiction of who you are as a person. The art business can be extremely competitive, and looking at the techniques of some of the notable artist and being critiqued can push you to the desire of emulating their style. However, you need to remember that you would eventually get bored with it. Why? Because that work on the canvas is not you. It is what the world wants you to be, which will eventually push you towards losing passion.
You are also a business owner
Thankfully, the talent and skill of an artist come naturally. However, you will have to learn how to be a business owner, as well. You will have to learn how to use the power of social media to create a new wave in the world of art. Furthermore, being an artist would also require you to be able to associate yourself with your clients and be extremely interactive, so that you could garner a greater clientele.